Metabones Speed Booster Nikon Adaptor for Blackmagic Pocket Camera

£30.00 / day

Perfect pocket companion

Kit Includes

  • Metabones Speed Booster (for Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera)

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Metabones Speed Booster Nikon Adaptor Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera

Designed in part by Brian Caldwell, a champion optical engineer at Panovision, the Metabones Speed Booster Nikon adapter specifically build for the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera,  allows you to use full frame Nikon lenses and opens up your F stops to a minimum of 0.74 – that’s FAST!

Fitting in front of the camera’s sensor and encompassing a beautifully cut and engineered curve of glass, the Speed Booster fits a full frame prime lens and the glass curve filters that wider image down to fit the camera’s s16mm sensor, which also means you let a lot more light onto the sensor. Normally a prime lens would be severely cropped if placed directly onto the camera, meaning you’d have to use a very wide 9mm lens to get the equivalent coverage of an 18mm as you would see it on a larger sensor camera. This handy little piece of kit really does open up a wide range of options for using the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera over a DLSR or even the bigger frame Cinema Cameras in the Blackmagic range.

Just to note there are no electronics in this adapter. It can be used with manual iris Nikon lenses and with Nikon G series lenses that allow for the ring on the speedbooster to control the iris.